
This page was generated from user_guide/graph/convert.ipynb.
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Converting from GeoDataFrame to Graph and backΒΆ

The model situation expects to have all input data for analysis in GeoDataFrames, including street network (e.g. from shapefile).

import momepy
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
streets = gpd.read_file(momepy.datasets.get_path('bubenec'), layer='streets')
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

We have to convert this LineString GeoDataFrame to a networkx.Graph. We use momepy.gdf_to_nx and later momepy.nx_to_gdf as a pair of interconnected functions. gdf_to_nx supports both primal and dual graphs. The primal approach will save the length of each segment to be used as a weight later, while dual will save the angle between segments (allowing angular centrality).

graph = momepy.gdf_to_nx(streets, approach='primal')
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True)
streets.plot(color='#e32e00', ax=ax[0])
for i, facet in enumerate(ax):
    facet.set_title(("Streets", "Primal graph", "Overlay")[i])
nx.draw(graph, {n:[n[0], n[1]] for n in list(graph.nodes)}, ax=ax[1], node_size=15)
streets.plot(color='#e32e00', ax=ax[2], zorder=-1)
nx.draw(graph, {n:[n[0], n[1]] for n in list(graph.nodes)}, ax=ax[2], node_size=15)
dual = momepy.gdf_to_nx(streets, approach='dual')
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True)
streets.plot(color='#e32e00', ax=ax[0])
for i, facet in enumerate(ax):
    facet.set_title(("Streets", "Dual graph", "Overlay")[i])
nx.draw(dual, {n:[n[0], n[1]] for n in list(dual.nodes)}, ax=ax[1], node_size=15)
streets.plot(color='#e32e00', ax=ax[2], zorder=-1)
nx.draw(dual, {n:[n[0], n[1]] for n in list(dual.nodes)}, ax=ax[2], node_size=15)

At this moment (almost) any networkx method can be used. For illustration, we will measure the node degree. Using networkx, we can do:

degree = dict(
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, degree, 'degree')

However, node degree is implemented in momepy so we can use directly:

graph = momepy.node_degree(graph, name='degree')

Once we have finished our network-based analysis, we want to convert the graph back to a geodataframe. For that, we will use momepy.nx_to_gdf, which gives us several options of what to export.

  • lines

    • original LineString geodataframe

  • points

    • point geometry representing street network intersections (nodes of primal graph)

  • spatial_weights

    • spatial weights for nodes capturing their relationship within a network

Moreover, edges will contain node_start and node_end columns capturing the ID of both nodes at its ends.

nodes, edges, sw = momepy.nx_to_gdf(graph, points=True, lines=True,
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
nodes.plot(ax=ax, column='degree', cmap='tab20b', markersize=(nodes['degree'] * 100), zorder=2)
edges.plot(ax=ax, color='lightgrey', zorder=1)

degree nodeID geometry
0 3 1 POINT (1603585.640 6464428.774)
1 5 2 POINT (1603413.206 6464228.730)
2 3 3 POINT (1603268.502 6464060.781)
geometry mm_len node_start node_end
0 LINESTRING (1603585.640 6464428.774, 1603413.2... 264.103950 1 2
1 LINESTRING (1603561.740 6464494.467, 1603564.6... 70.020202 1 9
2 LINESTRING (1603585.640 6464428.774, 1603603.0... 88.924305 1 7