Source code for momepy.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import math
import operator

import geopandas as gpd
import libpysal
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import shapely
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from tqdm import tqdm

from .shape import CircularCompactness

__all__ = [

[docs]def unique_id(objects): """ Add an attribute with unique ID to each row of GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- objects : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects to analyse Returns ------- Series Series containing resulting values. """ series = range(len(objects)) return series
[docs]def sw_high(k, gdf=None, weights=None, ids=None, contiguity="queen", silent=True): """ Generate spatial weights based on Queen or Rook contiguity of order k. Adjacent are all features within <= k steps. Pass either gdf or weights. If both are passed, weights is used. If weights are passed, contiguity is ignored and high order spatial weights based on `weights` are computed. Parameters ---------- k : int order of contiguity gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects to analyse. Index has to be consecutive range 0:x. Otherwise, spatial weights will not match objects. weights : libpysal.weights libpysal.weights of order 1 contiguity : str (default 'queen') type of contiguity weights. Can be 'queen' or 'rook'. silent : bool (default True) silence libpysal islands warnings Returns ------- libpysal.weights libpysal.weights object Examples -------- >>> first_order = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(geodataframe) >>> first_order.mean_neighbors 5.848032564450475 >>> fourth_order = sw_high(k=4, gdf=geodataframe) >>> fourth.mean_neighbors 85.73188602442333 """ if weights is not None: first_order = weights elif gdf is not None: if contiguity == "queen": first_order = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe( gdf, ids=ids, silence_warnings=silent ) elif contiguity == "rook": first_order = libpysal.weights.Rook.from_dataframe( gdf, ids=ids, silence_warnings=silent ) else: raise ValueError( "{} is not supported. Use 'queen' or 'rook'.".format(contiguity) ) else: raise AttributeError("GeoDataFrame or spatial weights must be given.") joined = first_order for i in list(range(2, k + 1)): i_order = libpysal.weights.higher_order( first_order, k=i, silence_warnings=silent ) joined = libpysal.weights.w_union(joined, i_order, silence_warnings=silent) return joined
def _angle(a, b, c): """ Measure angle between a-b, b-c. In radians. Helper for gdf_to_nx. """ ba = [aa - bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b)] bc = [cc - bb for cc, bb in zip(c, b)] nba = math.sqrt(sum((x ** 2.0 for x in ba))) ba = [x / nba for x in ba] nbc = math.sqrt(sum((x ** 2.0 for x in bc))) bc = [x / nbc for x in bc] scal = sum((aa * bb for aa, bb in zip(ba, bc))) angle = math.acos(round(scal, 10)) return angle def _generate_primal(G, gdf_network, fields): """ Generate primal graph. Helper for gdf_to_nx. """ G.graph["approach"] = "primal" key = 0 for index, row in gdf_network.iterrows(): first = row.geometry.coords[0] last = row.geometry.coords[-1] data = [row[f] for f in fields] attributes = dict(zip(fields, data)) G.add_edge(first, last, key=key, **attributes) key += 1 def _generate_dual(G, gdf_network, fields): """ Generate dual graph Helper for gdf_to_nx. """ G.graph["approach"] = "dual" sw = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(gdf_network) gdf_network["mm_cent"] = gdf_network.geometry.centroid for i, (index, row) in enumerate(gdf_network.iterrows()): centroid = (row.mm_cent.x, row.mm_cent.y) data = [row[f] for f in fields] attributes = dict(zip(fields, data)) G.add_node(centroid, **attributes) if sw.cardinalities[i] > 0: for n in sw.neighbors[i]: start = centroid end = list(gdf_network.iloc[n]["mm_cent"].coords)[0] p0 = row.geometry.coords[0] p1 = row.geometry.coords[-1] p2 = gdf_network.iloc[n]["geometry"].coords[0] p3 = gdf_network.iloc[n]["geometry"].coords[-1] points = [p0, p1, p2, p3] shared = [x for x in points if points.count(x) > 1] if shared: # fix for non-planar graph remaining = [e for e in points if e not in [shared[0]]] if len(remaining) == 2: angle = _angle(remaining[0], shared[0], remaining[1]) G.add_edge(start, end, key=0, angle=angle)
[docs]def gdf_to_nx(gdf_network, approach="primal", length="mm_len"): """ Convert LineString GeoDataFrame to networkx.MultiGraph Parameters ---------- gdf_network : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects to convert approach : str, default 'primal' Decide wheter genereate 'primal' or 'dual' graph. length : str, default mm_len name of attribute of segment length (geographical) which will be saved to graph Returns ------- networkx.Graph Graph """ gdf_network = gdf_network.copy() if "key" in gdf_network.columns: gdf_network.rename(columns={"key": "__key"}, inplace=True) # generate graph from GeoDataFrame of LineStrings net = nx.MultiGraph() net.graph["crs"] = gdf_network[length] = gdf_network.geometry.length fields = list(gdf_network.columns) if approach == "primal": _generate_primal(net, gdf_network, fields) elif approach == "dual": _generate_dual(net, gdf_network, fields) else: raise ValueError( "Approach {} is not supported. Use 'primal' or 'dual'.".format(approach) ) return net
def _points_to_gdf(net, spatial_weights): """ Generate point gdf from nodes. Helper for nx_to_gdf. """ node_xy, node_data = zip(*net.nodes(data=True)) gdf_nodes = gpd.GeoDataFrame( list(node_data), geometry=[Point(i, j) for i, j in node_xy] ) = net.graph["crs"] return gdf_nodes def _lines_to_gdf(net, lines, points, nodeID): """ Generate linestring gdf from edges. Helper for nx_to_gdf. """ starts, ends, edge_data = zip(*net.edges(data=True)) if lines is True: node_start = [] node_end = [] for s in starts: node_start.append(net.nodes[s][nodeID]) for e in ends: node_end.append(net.nodes[e][nodeID]) gdf_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame(list(edge_data)) if points is True: gdf_edges["node_start"] = node_start gdf_edges["node_end"] = node_end = net.graph["crs"] return gdf_edges def _primal_to_gdf(net, points, lines, spatial_weights, nodeID): """ Generate gdf(s) from primal network. Helper for nx_to_gdf. """ if points is True: gdf_nodes = _points_to_gdf(net, spatial_weights) if spatial_weights is True: W = libpysal.weights.W.from_networkx(net) W.transform = "b" if lines is True: gdf_edges = _lines_to_gdf(net, lines, points, nodeID) if points is True and lines is True: if spatial_weights is True: return gdf_nodes, gdf_edges, W return gdf_nodes, gdf_edges if points is True and lines is False: if spatial_weights is True: return gdf_nodes, W return gdf_nodes return gdf_edges def _dual_to_gdf(net): """ Generate linestring gdf from dual network. Helper for nx_to_gdf. """ starts, edge_data = zip(*net.nodes(data=True)) gdf_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame(list(edge_data)) = net.graph["crs"] return gdf_edges
[docs]def nx_to_gdf(net, points=True, lines=True, spatial_weights=False, nodeID="nodeID"): """ Convert networkx.Graph to LineString GeoDataFrame and Point GeoDataFrame Parameters ---------- net : networkx.Graph networkx.Graph points : bool export point-based gdf representing intersections lines : bool export line-based gdf representing streets spatial_weights : bool export libpysal spatial weights for nodes nodeID : str name of node ID column to be generated Returns ------- GeoDataFrame Selected gdf or tuple of both gdf or tuple of gdfs and weights """ # generate nodes and edges geodataframes from graph try: if net.graph["approach"] == "primal": nid = 1 for n in net: net.nodes[n][nodeID] = nid nid += 1 return _primal_to_gdf( net, points=points, lines=lines, spatial_weights=spatial_weights, nodeID=nodeID, ) if net.graph["approach"] == "dual": return _dual_to_gdf(net) raise ValueError( "Approach {} is not supported. Use 'primal' or 'dual'.".format( net.graph["approach"] ) ) except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Approach is not set. Graph needs an attribute 'approach' to be set" "either to 'primal' or to 'dual'.".format(net.graph["approach"]) )
[docs]def limit_range(vals, rng): """ Extract values within selected range Parameters ---------- vals : array rng : Two-element sequence containing floats in range of [0,100], optional Percentiles over which to compute the range. Each must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. The order of the elements is not important. Returns ------- array limited array """ if len(vals) > 2: limited = [] rng = sorted(rng) lower = np.percentile(vals, rng[0], interpolation="nearest") higher = np.percentile(vals, rng[1], interpolation="nearest") limited = [x for x in vals if x >= lower and x <= higher] return np.array(limited) return vals
[docs]def preprocess(buildings, size=30, compactness=True, islands=True): """ Preprocesses building geometry to eliminate additional structures being single features. Certain data providers (e.g. Ordnance Survey in GB) do not provide building geometry as one feature, but divided into different features depending their level (if they are on ground floor or not - passages, overhangs). Ideally, these features should share one building ID on which they could be dissolved. If this is not the case, series of steps needs to be done to minimize errors in morphological analysis. This script attempts to preprocess such geometry based on several condidions: If feature area is smaller than set size it will be a) deleted if it does not touch any other feature; b) will be joined to feature with which it shares the longest boundary. If feature is fully within other feature, these will be joined. If feature's circular compactness (:py:func:`momepy.circular_compactness`) is < 0.2, it will be joined to feature with which it shares the longest boundary. Function does two loops through. Parameters ---------- buildings : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geopandas.GeoDataFrame containing building layer size : float (default 30) maximum area of feature to be considered as additional structure. Set to None if not wanted. compactness : bool (default True) if True, function will resolve additional structures identified based on their circular compactness. islands : bool (default True) if True, function will resolve additional structures which are fully within other structures (share 100% of exterior boundary). Returns ------- GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing preprocessed geometry """ blg = buildings.copy() blg = blg.explode() blg.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) for l in range(0, 2): print("Loop", l + 1, "out of 2.") blg.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) blg["mm_uid"] = range(len(blg)) sw = libpysal.weights.contiguity.Rook.from_dataframe(blg, silence_warnings=True) blg["neighbors"] = sw.neighbors blg["neighbors"] = blg["neighbors"].map(sw.neighbors) blg["n_count"] = blg.apply(lambda row: len(row.neighbors), axis=1) blg["circu"] = CircularCompactness(blg).series # idetify those smaller than x with only one neighbor and attaches it to it. join = {} delete = [] for idx, row in tqdm( blg.iterrows(), total=blg.shape[0], desc="Identifying changes" ): if size: if row.geometry.area < size: if row.n_count == 1: uid = blg.iloc[row.neighbors[0]].mm_uid if uid in join: existing = join[uid] existing.append(row.mm_uid) join[uid] = existing else: join[uid] = [row.mm_uid] elif row.n_count > 1: shares = {} for n in row.neighbors: shares[n] = row.geometry.intersection([n, "geometry"] ).length maximal = max(shares.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] uid = blg.loc[maximal].mm_uid if uid in join: existing = join[uid] existing.append(row.mm_uid) join[uid] = existing else: join[uid] = [row.mm_uid] else: delete.append(idx) if compactness: if row.circu < 0.2: if row.n_count == 1: uid = blg.iloc[row.neighbors[0]].mm_uid if uid in join: existing = join[uid] existing.append(row.mm_uid) join[uid] = existing else: join[uid] = [row.mm_uid] elif row.n_count > 1: shares = {} for n in row.neighbors: shares[n] = row.geometry.intersection([n, "geometry"] ).length maximal = max(shares.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] uid = blg.loc[maximal].mm_uid if uid in join: existing = join[uid] existing.append(row.mm_uid) join[uid] = existing else: join[uid] = [row.mm_uid] if islands: if row.n_count == 1: shared = row.geometry.intersection([row.neighbors[0], "geometry"] ).length if shared == row.geometry.exterior.length: uid = blg.iloc[row.neighbors[0]].mm_uid if uid in join: existing = join[uid] existing.append(row.mm_uid) join[uid] = existing else: join[uid] = [row.mm_uid] for key in tqdm(join, total=len(join), desc="Changing geometry"): selection = blg[blg["mm_uid"] == key] if not selection.empty: geoms = [selection.iloc[0].geometry] for j in join[key]: subset = blg[blg["mm_uid"] == j] if not subset.empty: geoms.append(blg[blg["mm_uid"] == j].iloc[0].geometry) blg.drop(blg[blg["mm_uid"] == j].index[0], inplace=True) new_geom = shapely.ops.unary_union(geoms) blg.loc[blg.loc[blg["mm_uid"] == key].index[0], "geometry"] = new_geom blg.drop(delete, inplace=True) return blg[buildings.columns]
[docs]def network_false_nodes(gdf): """ Check topology of street network and eliminate nodes of degree 2 by joining affected edges. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containg edge representation of street network. Returns ------- gdf : GeoDataFrame """ streets = gdf.copy().explode() streets.reset_index(inplace=True) sindex = streets.sindex false_points = [] print("Identifying false points...") for idx, row in tqdm(streets.iterrows(), total=streets.shape[0]): line = row["geometry"] l_coords = list(line.coords) # network_w = network.drop(idx, axis=0)['geometry'] # ensure that it wont intersect itself start = Point(l_coords[0]) end = Point(l_coords[-1]) # find out whether ends of the line are connected or not possible_first_index = list(sindex.intersection(start.bounds)) possible_first_matches = streets.iloc[possible_first_index] possible_first_matches_clean = possible_first_matches.drop(idx, axis=0) real_first_matches = possible_first_matches_clean[ possible_first_matches_clean.intersects(start) ] possible_second_index = list(sindex.intersection(end.bounds)) possible_second_matches = streets.iloc[possible_second_index] possible_second_matches_clean = possible_second_matches.drop(idx, axis=0) real_second_matches = possible_second_matches_clean[ possible_second_matches_clean.intersects(end) ] if len(real_first_matches) == 1: false_points.append(start) if len(real_second_matches) == 1: false_points.append(end) false_xy = [] for p in false_points: false_xy.append([p.x, p.y]) false_xy_unique = [list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in false_xy)] false_unique = [] for p in false_xy_unique: false_unique.append(Point(p[0], p[1])) geoms = streets.geometry print("Merging segments...") for point in tqdm(false_unique): matches = list(geoms[geoms.intersects(point)].index) idx = max(geoms.index) + 1 try: multiline = geoms[matches[0]].union(geoms[matches[1]]) linestring = shapely.ops.linemerge(multiline) geoms = geoms.append(gpd.GeoSeries(linestring, index=[idx])) geoms = geoms.drop(matches) except IndexError: import warnings warnings.warn( "An exception during merging occured. Lines at point [{x}, {y}] were not merged.".format( x=point.x, y=point.y ) ) geoms_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=geoms) = streets = geoms_gdf.explode().reset_index(drop=True) return streets
[docs]def snap_street_network_edge( edges, buildings, tolerance_street, tessellation=None, tolerance_edge=None, edge=None, ): """ Fix street network before performing blocks() Extends unjoined ends of street segments to join with other segmets or tessellation boundary. Parameters ---------- edges : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing street network buildings : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing building footprints tolerance_street : float tolerance in snapping to street network (by how much could be street segment extended). tessellation : GeoDataFrame (default None) GeoDataFrame containing morphological tessellation. If edge is not passed it will be used as edge. tolerance_edge : float (default None) tolerance in snapping to edge of tessellated area (by how much could be street segment extended). edge : Polygon edge of area covered by morphological tessellation (same as `limit` in :py:func:`momepy.tessellation`) Returns ------- GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame of extended street network. """ # extrapolating function - makes line as a extrapolation of existing with set length (tolerance) def getExtrapoledLine(p1, p2, tolerance): """ Creates a line extrapoled in p1->p2 direction. """ EXTRAPOL_RATIO = tolerance # length of a line a = p2 # defining new point based on the vector between existing points if p1[0] >= p2[0] and p1[1] >= p2[1]: b = ( p2[0] - EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.cos( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), p2[1] - EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.sin( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), ) elif p1[0] <= p2[0] and p1[1] >= p2[1]: b = ( p2[0] + EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.cos( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), p2[1] - EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.sin( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), ) elif p1[0] <= p2[0] and p1[1] <= p2[1]: b = ( p2[0] + EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.cos( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), p2[1] + EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.sin( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), ) else: b = ( p2[0] - EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.cos( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), p2[1] + EXTRAPOL_RATIO * math.sin( math.atan( math.fabs(p1[1] - p2[1] + 0.000001) / math.fabs(p1[0] - p2[0] + 0.000001) ) ), ) return LineString([a, b]) # function extending line to closest object within set distance def extend_line(tolerance, idx): """ Extends a line geometry withing GeoDataFrame to snap on itself withing tolerance. """ if Point(l_coords[-2]).distance(Point(l_coords[-1])) <= 0.001: if len(l_coords) > 2: extra = l_coords[-3:-1] else: return False else: extra = l_coords[-2:] extrapolation = getExtrapoledLine( *extra, tolerance=tolerance ) # we use the last two points possible_intersections_index = list(sindex.intersection(extrapolation.bounds)) possible_intersections_lines = network.iloc[possible_intersections_index] possible_intersections_clean = possible_intersections_lines.drop(idx, axis=0) possible_intersections = possible_intersections_clean.intersection( extrapolation ) if not possible_intersections.is_empty.all(): true_int = [] for one in list(possible_intersections.index): if possible_intersections[one].type == "Point": true_int.append(possible_intersections[one]) elif possible_intersections[one].type == "MultiPoint": true_int.append(possible_intersections[one][0]) true_int.append(possible_intersections[one][1]) if len(true_int) >= 1: if len(true_int) > 1: distances = {} ix = 0 for p in true_int: distance = p.distance(Point(l_coords[-1])) distances[ix] = distance ix = ix + 1 minimal = min(distances.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] new_point_coords = true_int[minimal].coords[0] else: new_point_coords = true_int[0].coords[0] l_coords.append(new_point_coords) new_extended_line = LineString(l_coords) # check whether the line goes through buildings. if so, ignore it possible_buildings_index = list( bindex.intersection(new_extended_line.bounds) ) possible_buildings = buildings.iloc[possible_buildings_index] possible_intersections = possible_buildings.intersection( new_extended_line ) if possible_intersections.any(): pass else: network.loc[idx, "geometry"] = new_extended_line else: return False # function extending line to closest object within set distance to edge defined by tessellation def extend_line_edge(tolerance, idx): """ Extends a line geometry withing GeoDataFrame to snap on the boundary of tessellation withing tolerance. """ if Point(l_coords[-2]).distance(Point(l_coords[-1])) <= 0.001: if len(l_coords) > 2: extra = l_coords[-3:-1] else: return False else: extra = l_coords[-2:] extrapolation = getExtrapoledLine( *extra, tolerance ) # we use the last two points # possible_intersections_index = list(qindex.intersection(extrapolation.bounds)) # possible_intersections_lines = geometry_cut.iloc[possible_intersections_index] possible_intersections = geometry.intersection(extrapolation) if possible_intersections.type != "GeometryCollection": true_int = [] if possible_intersections.type == "Point": true_int.append(possible_intersections) elif possible_intersections.type == "MultiPoint": true_int.append(possible_intersections[0]) true_int.append(possible_intersections[1]) if len(true_int) >= 1: if len(true_int) > 1: distances = {} ix = 0 for p in true_int: distance = p.distance(Point(l_coords[-1])) distances[ix] = distance ix = ix + 1 minimal = min(distances.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] new_point_coords = true_int[minimal].coords[0] else: new_point_coords = true_int[0].coords[0] l_coords.append(new_point_coords) new_extended_line = LineString(l_coords) # check whether the line goes through buildings. if so, ignore it possible_buildings_index = list( bindex.intersection(new_extended_line.bounds) ) possible_buildings = buildings.iloc[possible_buildings_index] possible_intersections = possible_buildings.intersection( new_extended_line ) if not possible_intersections.is_empty.all(): pass else: network.loc[idx, "geometry"] = new_extended_line network = edges.copy() # generating spatial index (rtree) print("Building R-tree for network...") sindex = network.sindex print("Building R-tree for buildings...") bindex = buildings.sindex def _get_geometry(): if edge is not None: return edge.boundary if tessellation is not None: print("Dissolving tesselation...") return tessellation.geometry.unary_union.boundary return None geometry = _get_geometry() print("Snapping...") # iterating over each street segment for idx, row in tqdm(network.iterrows(), total=network.shape[0]): line = row["geometry"] l_coords = list(line.coords) # network_w = network.drop(idx, axis=0)['geometry'] # ensure that it wont intersect itself start = Point(l_coords[0]) end = Point(l_coords[-1]) # find out whether ends of the line are connected or not possible_first_index = list(sindex.intersection(start.bounds)) possible_first_matches = network.iloc[possible_first_index] possible_first_matches_clean = possible_first_matches.drop(idx, axis=0) first = possible_first_matches_clean.intersects(start).any() possible_second_index = list(sindex.intersection(end.bounds)) possible_second_matches = network.iloc[possible_second_index] possible_second_matches_clean = possible_second_matches.drop(idx, axis=0) second = possible_second_matches_clean.intersects(end).any() # both ends connected, do nothing if first and second: continue # start connected, extend end elif first and not second: if extend_line(tolerance_street, idx) is False: if geometry is not None: extend_line_edge(tolerance_edge, idx) # end connected, extend start elif not first and second: l_coords.reverse() if extend_line(tolerance_street, idx) is False: if geometry is not None: extend_line_edge(tolerance_edge, idx) # unconnected, extend both ends elif not first and not second: if extend_line(tolerance_street, idx) is False: if geometry is not None: extend_line_edge(tolerance_edge, idx) l_coords.reverse() if extend_line(tolerance_street, idx) is False: if geometry is not None: extend_line_edge(tolerance_edge, idx) else: print("Something went wrong.") return network