Source code for momepy.shape

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# definitons of shape characters

import math
import random

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Point
from tqdm import tqdm  # progress bar

__all__ = [

[docs]class FormFactor: """ Calculates form factor of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: area \\over {volume^{2 \\over 3}} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects volumes : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored volume value. (To calculate volume you can use :py:func:`momepy.volume`) areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame volumes : Series Series containing used volume values areas : Series Series containing used area values References ---------- Bourdic, L., Salat, S. and Nowacki, C. (2012) ‘Assessing cities: a new system of cross-scale spatial indicators’, Building Research & Information, 40(5), pp. 592–605. doi: 10.1080/09613218.2012.703488self. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['formfactor'] = momepy.FormFactor(buildings_df, 'volume').series >>> buildings_df.formfactor[0] 1.9385988170288635 >>> buildings_df['formfactor'] = momepy.FormFactor(buildings_df, momepy.volume(buildings_df, 'height').volume).series >>> buildings_df.formfactor[0] 1.9385988170288635 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, volumes, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if not isinstance(volumes, str): gdf["mm_v"] = volumes volumes = "mm_v" self.volumes = gdf[volumes] if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: row[areas] / (row[volumes] ** (2 / 3)) if row[volumes] != 0 else 0, axis=1, )
[docs]class FractalDimension: """ Calculates fractal dimension of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: {2log({{perimeter} \\over {4}})} \\over log(area) Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. perimeters : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored perimeter value. If set to None, function will calculate perimeters during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame perimeters : Series Series containing used perimeter values areas : Series Series containing used area values References ---------- McGarigal, K., & Marks, B. (1995). FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['fractal'] = momepy.FractalDimension(buildings_df, 'area', 'peri').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 3928.09it/s] >>> buildings_df.fractal[0] 1.0726778567038908 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None, perimeters=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if perimeters is None: gdf["mm_p"] = gdf.geometry.length perimeters = "mm_p" else: if not isinstance(perimeters, str): gdf["mm_p"] = perimeters perimeters = "mm_p" self.perimeters = gdf[perimeters] if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: (2 * math.log(row[perimeters] / 4)) / math.log(row[areas]), axis=1, )
[docs]class VolumeFacadeRatio: """ Calculates volume/facade ratio of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: volume \\over perimeter * heigth Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects heights : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored height value volumes : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored volume value perimeters : , list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored perimeter value Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame perimeters : Series Series containing used perimeter values volumes : Series Series containing used volume values References ---------- Schirmer, P. M. and Axhausen, K. W. (2015) ‘A multiscale classification of urban morphology’, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 9(1), pp. 101–130. doi: 10.5198/jtlu.2015.667. Examples ----- >>> buildings_df['vfr'] = momepy.VolumeFacadeRatio(buildings_df, 'height').series >>> buildings_df.vfr[0] 5.310715735236504 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, heights, volumes=None, perimeters=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if perimeters is None: gdf["mm_p"] = gdf.geometry.length perimeters = "mm_p" else: if not isinstance(perimeters, str): gdf["mm_p"] = perimeters perimeters = "mm_p" self.perimeters = gdf[perimeters] if volumes is None: gdf["mm_v"] = gdf.geometry.area * gdf[heights] volumes = "mm_v" else: if not isinstance(volumes, str): gdf["mm_v"] = volumes volumes = "mm_v" self.volumes = gdf[volumes] self.series = gdf[volumes] / (gdf[perimeters] * gdf[heights])
# Smallest enclosing circle - Library (Python) # Copyright (c) 2017 Project Nayuki # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program (see COPYING.txt and COPYING.LESSER.txt). # If not, see <>. # Data conventions: A point is a pair of floats (x, y). A circle is a triple of floats (center x, center y, radius). # Returns the smallest circle that encloses all the given points. Runs in expected O(n) time, randomized. # Input: A sequence of pairs of floats or ints, e.g. [(0,5), (3.1,-2.7)]. # Output: A triple of floats representing a circle. # Note: If 0 points are given, None is returned. If 1 point is given, a circle of radius 0 is returned. # # Initially: No boundary points known def _make_circle(points): # Convert to float and randomize order shuffled = [(float(x), float(y)) for (x, y) in points] random.shuffle(shuffled) # Progressively add points to circle or recompute circle c = None for (i, p) in enumerate(shuffled): if c is None or not _is_in_circle(c, p): c = _make_circle_one_point(shuffled[: i + 1], p) return c # One boundary point known def _make_circle_one_point(points, p): c = (p[0], p[1], 0.0) for (i, q) in enumerate(points): if not _is_in_circle(c, q): if c[2] == 0.0: c = _make_diameter(p, q) else: c = _make_circle_two_points(points[: i + 1], p, q) return c # Two boundary points known def _make_circle_two_points(points, p, q): circ = _make_diameter(p, q) left = None right = None px, py = p qx, qy = q # For each point not in the two-point circle for r in points: if _is_in_circle(circ, r): continue # Form a circumcircle and classify it on left or right side cross = _cross_product(px, py, qx, qy, r[0], r[1]) c = _make_circumcircle(p, q, r) if c is None: continue elif cross > 0.0 and ( left is None or _cross_product(px, py, qx, qy, c[0], c[1]) > _cross_product(px, py, qx, qy, left[0], left[1]) ): left = c elif cross < 0.0 and ( right is None or _cross_product(px, py, qx, qy, c[0], c[1]) < _cross_product(px, py, qx, qy, right[0], right[1]) ): right = c # Select which circle to return if left is None and right is None: return circ if left is None: return right if right is None: return left if left[2] <= right[2]: return left return right def _make_circumcircle(p0, p1, p2): # Mathematical algorithm from Wikipedia: Circumscribed circle ax, ay = p0 bx, by = p1 cx, cy = p2 ox = (min(ax, bx, cx) + max(ax, bx, cx)) / 2.0 oy = (min(ay, by, cy) + max(ay, by, cy)) / 2.0 ax -= ox ay -= oy bx -= ox by -= oy cx -= ox cy -= oy d = (ax * (by - cy) + bx * (cy - ay) + cx * (ay - by)) * 2.0 if d == 0.0: return None x = ( ox + ( (ax * ax + ay * ay) * (by - cy) + (bx * bx + by * by) * (cy - ay) + (cx * cx + cy * cy) * (ay - by) ) / d ) y = ( oy + ( (ax * ax + ay * ay) * (cx - bx) + (bx * bx + by * by) * (ax - cx) + (cx * cx + cy * cy) * (bx - ax) ) / d ) ra = math.hypot(x - p0[0], y - p0[1]) rb = math.hypot(x - p1[0], y - p1[1]) rc = math.hypot(x - p2[0], y - p2[1]) return (x, y, max(ra, rb, rc)) def _make_diameter(p0, p1): cx = (p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2.0 cy = (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2.0 r0 = math.hypot(cx - p0[0], cy - p0[1]) r1 = math.hypot(cx - p1[0], cy - p1[1]) return (cx, cy, max(r0, r1)) _MULTIPLICATIVE_EPSILON = 1 + 1e-14 def _is_in_circle(c, p): return ( c is not None and math.hypot(p[0] - c[0], p[1] - c[1]) <= c[2] * _MULTIPLICATIVE_EPSILON ) # Returns twice the signed area of the triangle defined by (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2). def _cross_product(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2): return (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) - (y1 - y0) * (x2 - x0) # end of Nayuiki script to define the smallest enclosing circle # calculate the area of circumcircle def _circle_area(points): if len(points[0]) == 3: points = [x[:2] for x in points] circ = _make_circle(points) return math.pi * circ[2] ** 2
[docs]class CircularCompactness: """ Calculates compactness index of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: area \\over \\textit{area of enclosing circle} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame areas : Series Series containing used area values References ---------- Dibble, J. (2016) Urban Morphometrics: Towards a Quantitative Science of Urban Form. University of Strathclyde. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['circ_comp'] = momepy.CircularCompactness(buildings_df, 'area').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 2498.75it/s] >>> buildings_df['circ_comp'][0] 0.572145421828038 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: (row[areas]) / (_circle_area(list(row["geometry"].convex_hull.exterior.coords))), axis=1, )
[docs]class SquareCompactness: """ Calculates compactness index of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: \\begin{equation*} \\left(\\frac{4 \\sqrt{area}}{perimeter}\\right) ^ 2 \\end{equation*} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. perimeters : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored perimeter value. If set to None, function will calculate perimeters during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame areas : Series Series containing used area values perimeters : Series Series containing used perimeter values References ---------- Feliciotti A (2018) RESILIENCE AND URBAN DESIGN:A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF RESILIENCE IN URBAN FORM. LEARNING FROM THE CASE OF GORBALS. Glasgow. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['squ_comp'] = momepy.SquareCompactness(buildings_df).series >>> buildings_df['squ_comp'][0] 0.6193872538650996 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None, perimeters=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if perimeters is None: gdf["mm_p"] = gdf.geometry.length perimeters = "mm_p" else: if not isinstance(perimeters, str): gdf["mm_p"] = perimeters perimeters = "mm_p" self.perimeters = gdf[perimeters] if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: ((4 * math.sqrt(row[areas])) / (row[perimeters])) ** 2, axis=1 )
[docs]class Convexeity: """ Calculates convexeity index of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: area \\over \\textit{convex hull area} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame areas : Series Series containing used area values References ---------- Dibble, J. (2016) Urban Morphometrics: Towards a Quantitative Science of Urban Form. University of Strathclyde. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['convexeity'] = momepy.Convexeity(buildings_df).series >>> buildings_df.convexeity[0] 0.8151964258521672 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf[areas] / gdf.geometry.convex_hull.area
[docs]class CourtyardIndex: """ Calculates courtyard index of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: \\textit{area of courtyards} \\over \\textit{total area} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects courtyard_areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value (To calculate volume you can use :py:func:`momepy.dimension.courtyard_area`) areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame courtyard_areas : Series Series containing used courtyard areas values areas : Series Series containing used area values References ---------- Schirmer, P. M. and Axhausen, K. W. (2015) ‘A multiscale classification of urban morphology’, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 9(1), pp. 101–130. doi: 10.5198/jtlu.2015.667. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['courtyard_index'] = momepy.CourtyardIndex(buildings, 'courtyard_area', 'area').series >>> buildings_df.courtyard_index[80] 0.16605915738643523 >>> buildings_df['courtyard_index2'] = momepy.CourtyardIndex(buildings_df, momepy.courtyard_area(buildings_df).ca).series >>> buildings_df.courtyard_index2[80] 0.16605915738643523 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, courtyard_areas, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if not isinstance(courtyard_areas, str): gdf["mm_ca"] = courtyard_areas courtyard_areas = "mm_ca" self.courtyard_areas = gdf[courtyard_areas] if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf[courtyard_areas] / gdf[areas]
[docs]class Rectangularity: """ Calculates rectangularity of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: {area \\over \\textit{minimum bounding rotated rectangle area}} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame areas : Series Series containing used area values References ---------- Dibble, J. (2016) Urban Morphometrics: Towards a Quantitative Science of Urban Form. University of Strathclyde. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['rectangularity'] = momepy.Rectangularity(buildings_df, 'area').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 866.62it/s] >>> buildings_df.rectangularity[0] 0.6942676157646379 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: row[areas] / (row.geometry.minimum_rotated_rectangle.area), axis=1, )
[docs]class ShapeIndex: """ Calculates shape index of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: {\\sqrt{{area} \\over {\\pi}}} \\over {0.5 * \\textit{longest axis}} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects longest_axis : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored longest axis value areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame longest_axis : Series Series containing used longest axis values areas : Series Series containing used area values Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['shape_index'] = momepy.ShapeIndex(buildings_df, longest_axis='long_ax', areas='area').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 5558.33it/s] >>> buildings_df['shape_index'][0] 0.7564029493781987 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, longest_axis, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if not isinstance(longest_axis, str): gdf["mm_la"] = longest_axis longest_axis = "mm_la" self.longest_axis = gdf[longest_axis] if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: math.sqrt(row[areas] / math.pi) / (0.5 * row[longest_axis]), axis=1, )
[docs]class Corners: """ Calculates number of corners of each object in given geoDataFrame. Uses only external shape (shapely.geometry.exterior), courtyards are not included. .. math:: \\sum corner Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['corners'] = momepy.Corners(buildings_df).series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 1042.15it/s] >>> buildings_df.corners[0] 24 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf): self.gdf = gdf # define empty list for results results_list = [] # calculate angle between points, return true or false if real corner def _true_angle(a, b, c): ba = a - b bc = c - b cosine_angle =, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc)) angle = np.arccos(cosine_angle) if np.degrees(angle) <= 170: return True if np.degrees(angle) >= 190: return True return False # fill new column with the value of area, iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): corners = 0 # define empty variables points = list(row["geometry"].exterior.coords) # get points of a shape stop = len(points) - 1 # define where to stop for i in np.arange( len(points) ): # for every point, calculate angle and add 1 if True angle if i == 0: continue elif i == stop: a = np.asarray(points[i - 1]) b = np.asarray(points[i]) c = np.asarray(points[1]) if _true_angle(a, b, c) is True: corners = corners + 1 else: continue else: a = np.asarray(points[i - 1]) b = np.asarray(points[i]) c = np.asarray(points[i + 1]) if _true_angle(a, b, c) is True: corners = corners + 1 else: continue results_list.append(corners) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class Squareness: """ Calculates squareness of each object in given geoDataFrame. Uses only external shape (shapely.geometry.exterior), courtyards are not included. .. math:: \\mu=\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{N} d_{i}}{N} where `d` is the deviation of angle of corner `i` from 90 degrees. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame References ---------- Dibble, J. (2016) Urban Morphometrics: Towards a Quantitative Science of Urban Form. University of Strathclyde. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['squareness'] = momepy.Squareness(buildings_df).series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:01<00:00, 129.49it/s] >>> buildings_df.squareness[0] 3.7075816043359864 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf): self.gdf = gdf # define empty list for results results_list = [] def _angle(a, b, c): ba = a - b bc = c - b cosine_angle =, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc)) angle = np.degrees(np.arccos(cosine_angle)) return angle # fill new column with the value of area, iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): angles = [] points = list(row["geometry"].exterior.coords) # get points of a shape stop = len(points) - 1 # define where to stop for i in np.arange( len(points) ): # for every point, calculate angle and add 1 if True angle if i == 0: continue elif i == stop: a = np.asarray(points[i - 1]) b = np.asarray(points[i]) c = np.asarray(points[1]) ang = _angle(a, b, c) if ang <= 175: angles.append(ang) elif _angle(a, b, c) >= 185: angles.append(ang) else: continue else: a = np.asarray(points[i - 1]) b = np.asarray(points[i]) c = np.asarray(points[i + 1]) ang = _angle(a, b, c) if _angle(a, b, c) <= 175: angles.append(ang) elif _angle(a, b, c) >= 185: angles.append(ang) else: continue deviations = [] for i in angles: dev = abs(90 - i) deviations.append(dev) results_list.append(np.mean(deviations)) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class EquivalentRectangularIndex: """ Calculates equivalent rectangular index of each object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: \\sqrt{{area} \\over \\textit{area of bounding rectangle}} * {\\textit{perimeter of bounding rectangle} \\over {perimeter}} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. perimeters : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored perimeter value. If set to None, function will calculate perimeters during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame areas : Series Series containing used area values perimeters : Series Series containing used perimeter values References ---------- Basaraner M and Cetinkaya S (2017) Performance of shape indices and classification schemes for characterising perceptual shape complexity of building footprints in GIS. 2nd ed. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis 31(10): 1952–1977. Available from: Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['eri'] = momepy.EquivalentRectangularIndex(buildings_df, 'area', 'peri').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 895.57it/s] >>> buildings_df['eri'][0] 0.7879229963118455 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None, perimeters=None): self.gdf = gdf # define empty list for results results_list = [] gdf = gdf.copy() if perimeters is None: gdf["mm_p"] = gdf.geometry.length perimeters = "mm_p" else: if not isinstance(perimeters, str): gdf["mm_p"] = perimeters perimeters = "mm_p" self.perimeters = gdf[perimeters] if areas is None: gdf["mm_a"] = gdf.geometry.area areas = "mm_a" else: if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] # fill new column with the value of area, iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): bbox = row["geometry"].minimum_rotated_rectangle results_list.append( math.sqrt(row[areas] / bbox.area) * (bbox.length / row[perimeters]) ) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class Elongation: """ Calculates elongation of object seen as elongation of its minimum bounding rectangle. .. math:: {{p - \\sqrt{p^2 - 16a}} \\over {4}} \\over {{{p} \\over {2}} - {{p - \\sqrt{p^2 - 16a}} \\over {4}}} where `a` is the area of the object and `p` its perimeter. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects Attributes ---------- e : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame References ---------- Gil J, Montenegro N, Beirão JN, et al. (2012) On the Discovery of Urban Typologies: Data Mining the Multi-dimensional Character of Neighbourhoods. Urban Morphology 16(1): 27–40. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['elongation'] = momepy.Elongation(buildings_df).e 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 1032.62it/s] >>> buildings_df['elongation'][0] 0.9082437463675544 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf): self.gdf = gdf # define empty list for results results_list = [] # fill new column with the value of area, iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): bbox = row["geometry"].minimum_rotated_rectangle a = bbox.area p = bbox.length cond1 = p ** 2 cond2 = 16 * a if cond1 >= cond2: sqrt = cond1 - cond2 else: sqrt = 0 # calculate both width/length and length/width elo1 = ((p - math.sqrt(sqrt)) / 4) / ((p / 2) - ((p - math.sqrt(sqrt)) / 4)) elo2 = ((p + math.sqrt(sqrt)) / 4) / ((p / 2) - ((p + math.sqrt(sqrt)) / 4)) # use the smaller one (e.g. shorter/longer) if elo1 <= elo2: elo = elo1 else: elo = elo2 results_list.append(elo) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class CentroidCorners: """ Calculates mean distance centroid - corners and st. deviation. .. math:: \\overline{x}=\\frac{1}{n}\\left(\\sum_{i=1}^{n} dist_{i}\\right);\\space \\mathrm{SD}=\\sqrt{\\frac{\\sum|x-\\overline{x}|^{2}}{n}} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects Attributes ---------- mean : Series Series containing mean distance values. std : Series Series containing standard deviation values. gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame References ---------- Schirmer PM and Axhausen KW (2015) A multiscale classification of urban morphology. Journal of Transport and Land Use 9(1): 101–130. + Cimburova (ADD) Examples -------- >>> ccd = momepy.CentroidCorners(buildings_df) 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 846.58it/s] >>> buildings_df['ccd_means'] = ccd.means >>> buildings_df['ccd_stdev'] = ccd.std >>> buildings_df['ccd_means'][0] 15.961531913184833 >>> buildings_df['ccd_stdev'][0] 3.0810634305400177 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf): self.gdf = gdf # define empty list for results results_list = [] results_list_sd = [] # calculate angle between points, return true or false if real corner def true_angle(a, b, c): ba = a - b bc = c - b cosine_angle =, bc) / (np.linalg.norm(ba) * np.linalg.norm(bc)) angle = np.arccos(cosine_angle) if np.degrees(angle) <= 170: return True if np.degrees(angle) >= 190: return True return False # iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): distances = [] # set empty list of distances centroid = row["geometry"].centroid # define centroid points = list(row["geometry"].exterior.coords) # get points of a shape stop = len(points) - 1 # define where to stop for i in np.arange( len(points) ): # for every point, calculate angle and add 1 if True angle if i == 0: continue elif i == stop: a = np.asarray(points[i - 1]) b = np.asarray(points[i]) c = np.asarray(points[1]) p = Point(points[i]) if true_angle(a, b, c) is True: distance = centroid.distance( p ) # calculate distance point - centroid distances.append(distance) # add distance to the list else: continue else: a = np.asarray(points[i - 1]) b = np.asarray(points[i]) c = np.asarray(points[i + 1]) p = Point(points[i]) if true_angle(a, b, c) is True: distance = centroid.distance(p) distances.append(distance) else: continue if not distances: # circular buildings from momepy.dimension import _longest_axis results_list.append( _longest_axis(row["geometry"].convex_hull.exterior.coords) / 2 ) results_list_sd.append(0) else: results_list.append(np.mean(distances)) # calculate mean results_list_sd.append(np.std(distances)) # calculate self.mean = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index) self.std = pd.Series(results_list_sd, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class Linearity: """ Calculates linearity of each LineString object in given geoDataFrame. .. math:: \\frac{l_{euclidean}}{l_{segment}} where `l` is the length of the LineString. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing mean distance values. gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame References ---------- Araldi A and Fusco G (2017) Decomposing and Recomposing Urban Fabric: The City from the Pedestrian Point of View. In:, pp. 365–376. Available from: Examples -------- >>> streets_df['linearity'] = momepy.Linearity(streets_df).series 100%|██████████| 33/33 [00:00<00:00, 1737.64it/s] >>> streets_df['linearity'][0] 1.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf): self.gdf = gdf # define empty list for results results_list = [] # fill new column with the value of area, iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): euclidean = Point(row["geometry"].coords[0]).distance( Point(row["geometry"].coords[-1]) ) results_list.append(euclidean / row["geometry"].length) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class CompactnessWeightedAxis: """ Calculates compactness-weighted axis of each object in given geoDataFrame. Initially designed for blocks. .. math:: d_{i} \\times\\left(\\frac{4}{\\pi}-\\frac{16 (area_{i})}{perimeter_{i}^{2}}\\right) Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If set to None, function will calculate areas during the process without saving them separately. perimeters : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored perimeter value. If set to None, function will calculate perimeters during the process without saving them separately. longest_axis : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored longest axis length value. If set to None, function will calculate it during the process without saving them separately. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame areas : Series Series containing used area values longest_axis : Series Series containing used area values perimeters : Series Series containing used area values Examples -------- >>> blocks_df['cwa'] = mm.CompactnessWeightedAxis(blocks_df).series """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, areas=None, perimeters=None, longest_axis=None): self.gdf = gdf gdf = gdf.copy() if perimeters is None: gdf["mm_p"] = gdf.geometry.length perimeters = "mm_p" else: if not isinstance(perimeters, str): gdf["mm_p"] = perimeters perimeters = "mm_p" self.perimeters = gdf[perimeters] if longest_axis is None: from .dimension import LongestAxisLength gdf["mm_la"] = LongestAxisLength(gdf).series longest_axis = "mm_la" else: if not isinstance(longest_axis, str): gdf["mm_la"] = longest_axis longest_axis = "mm_la" self.longest_axis = gdf[longest_axis] if areas is None: areas = gdf.geometry.area if not isinstance(areas, str): gdf["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" self.areas = gdf[areas] self.series = gdf.apply( lambda row: row[longest_axis] * ((4 / math.pi) - (16 * row[areas]) / ((row[perimeters]) ** 2)), axis=1, )