Source code for momepy.intensity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# definitons of intensity characters

import collections

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm  # progress bar

__all__ = [

[docs]class AreaRatio: """ Calculate covered area ratio or floor area ratio of objects. Either unique_id or left_unique_id and right_unique_id are required. .. math:: \\textit{covering object area} \\over \\textit{covered object area} Parameters ---------- left : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects being covered (e.g. land unit) right : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with covering objects (e.g. building) left_areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the left dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. right_areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the right dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value representing either projected or floor area. unique_id : str (default None) name of the column with unique id shared amongst left and right gdfs. If there is none, it could be generated by :py:func:'momepy.unique_id()'. left_unique_id : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the left dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored shared unique ID right_unique_id : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the left dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored shared unique ID Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values left : GeoDataFrame original left GeoDataFrame right : GeoDataFrame original right GeoDataFrame left_areas : Series Series containing used left areas right_areas : Series Series containing used right areas left_unique_id : Series Series containing used left ID right_unique_id : Series Series containing used right ID References --------- Schirmer PM and Axhausen KW (2015) A multiscale classification of urban morphology. Journal of Transport and Land Use 9(1): 101–130. Examples -------- >>> tessellation_df['CAR'] = mm.AreaRatio(tessellation_df, buildings_df, 'area', 'area', 'uID').series """
[docs] def __init__( self, left, right, left_areas, right_areas, unique_id=None, left_unique_id=None, right_unique_id=None, ): self.left = left self.right = right left = left.copy() right = right.copy() if unique_id: left_unique_id = unique_id right_unique_id = unique_id else: if left_unique_id is None or right_unique_id is None: raise ValueError( "Unique ID not correctly set. Use either network_id or both" "left_unique_id and right_unique_id." ) self.left_unique_id = left_unique_id self.right_unique_id = right_unique_id if not isinstance(left_areas, str): left["mm_a"] = left_areas left_areas = "mm_a" self.left_areas = left[left_areas] if not isinstance(right_areas, str): right["mm_a"] = right_areas right_areas = "mm_a" self.right_areas = right[right_areas] look_for = right[ [right_unique_id, right_areas] ].copy() # keeping only necessary columns look_for.rename(index=str, columns={right_areas: "lf_area"}, inplace=True) objects_merged = left[[left_unique_id, left_areas]].merge( look_for, left_on=left_unique_id, right_on=right_unique_id ) self.series = objects_merged["lf_area"] / objects_merged[left_areas]
[docs]class Count: """ Calculate the number of elements within an aggregated structure. Aggregated structure can be typically block, street segment or street node (their snapepd objects). Right gdf has to have unique id of aggregated structure assigned before hand (e.g. using :py:func:`momepy.get_network_id`). If weighted=True, number of elements will be divided by the area of lenght (based on geometry type) of aggregated element, to return relative value. .. math:: \\sum_{i \\in aggr} (n_i);\\space \\frac{\\sum_{i \\in aggr} (n_i)}{area_{aggr}} Parameters ---------- left : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing aggregation to analyse right : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects to analyse left_id : str name of the column where is stored unique ID in left gdf right_id : str name of the column where is stored unique ID of aggregation in right gdf weighted : bool (default False) if weighted=True, count will be divided by the area or length Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values left : GeoDataFrame original left GeoDataFrame right : GeoDataFrame original right GeoDataFrame left_id : Series Series containing used left ID right_id : Series Series containing used right ID weighted : bool used weighted value References ---------- 1. Hermosilla T, Ruiz LA, Recio JA, et al. (2012) Assessing contextual descriptive features for plot-based classification of urban areas. Landscape and Urban Planning, Elsevier B.V. 106(1): 124–137. 2. Feliciotti A (2018) RESILIENCE AND URBAN DESIGN:A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF RESILIENCE IN URBAN FORM. LEARNING FROM THE CASE OF GORBALS. Glasgow. Examples -------- >>> blocks_df['buildings_count'] = mm.Count(blocks_df, buildings_df, 'bID', 'bID', weighted=True).series """
[docs] def __init__(self, left, right, left_id, right_id, weighted=False): self.left = left self.right = right self.left_id = left[left_id] self.right_id = right[right_id] self.weighted = weighted count = collections.Counter(right[right_id]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count, orient="index", columns=["mm_count"]) joined = left[[left_id, "geometry"]].join(df["mm_count"], on=left_id) joined.loc[joined["mm_count"].isna(), "mm_count"] = 0 if weighted: if left.geometry[0].type in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]: joined["mm_count"] = joined["mm_count"] / left.geometry.area elif left.geometry[0].type in ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]: joined["mm_count"] = joined["mm_count"] / left.geometry.length else: raise TypeError("Geometry type does not support weighting.") self.series = joined["mm_count"]
[docs]class Courtyards: """ Calculate the number of courtyards within the joined structure. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects to analyse block_id : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored block ID spatial_weights : libpysal.weights, optional spatial weights matrix - If None, Queen contiguity matrix will be calculated based on objects. It is to denote adjacent buildings (note: based on index). Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame block_id : Series Series containing used block ID sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix References --------- Schirmer PM and Axhausen KW (2015) A multiscale classification of urban morphology. Journal of Transport and Land Use 9(1): 101–130. Examples -------- >>> buildings_df['courtyards'] = mm.Courtyards(buildings_df, 'bID').series Calculating spatial weights... """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, block_id, spatial_weights=None): self.gdf = gdf results_list = [] gdf = gdf.copy() if not isinstance(block_id, str): gdf["mm_bid"] = block_id block_id = "mm_bid" self.block_id = gdf[block_id] # if weights matrix is not passed, generate it from objects if spatial_weights is None: print("Calculating spatial weights...") from libpysal.weights import Queen spatial_weights = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=True) self.sw = spatial_weights # dict to store nr of courtyards for each uID courtyards = {} components = pd.Series(spatial_weights.component_labels, index=gdf.index) for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): # if the id is already present in courtyards, continue (avoid repetition) if index in courtyards: continue else: comp = spatial_weights.component_labels[index] to_join = components[components == comp].index joined = gdf.loc[to_join] dissolved = joined.geometry.buffer( 0.01 ).unary_union # buffer to avoid multipolygons where buildings touch by corners only try: interiors = len(list(dissolved.interiors)) except (ValueError): print("Something unexpected happened.") for b in to_join: courtyards[b] = interiors # fill dict with values # copy values from dict to gdf for index, row in tqdm(gdf.iterrows(), total=gdf.shape[0]): results_list.append(courtyards[index]) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class BlocksCount: """ Calculates the weighted number of blocks Number of blocks within neighbours defined in spatial_weights. .. math:: Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing morphological tessellation block_id : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the objects dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored block ID. spatial_weights : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix unique_id : str name of the column with unique id used as spatial_weights index weigted : bool, default True return value weighted by the analysed area (True) or pure count (False) Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame block_id : Series Series containing used block ID sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix id : Series Series containing used unique ID weighted : bool used weighted value References ---------- Dibble J, Prelorendjos A, Romice O, et al. (2017) On the origin of spaces: Morphometric foundations of urban form evolution. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46(4): 707–730. Examples -------- >>> sw4 = mm.sw_high(k=4, gdf='tessellation_df', ids='uID') >>> tessellation_df['blocks_within_4'] = mm.BlocksCount(tessellation_df, 'bID', sw4, 'uID').series """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, block_id, spatial_weights, unique_id, weighted=True): self.gdf = gdf self.sw = spatial_weights = gdf[unique_id] self.weighted = weighted # define empty list for results results_list = [] data = gdf.copy() if not isinstance(block_id, str): data["mm_bid"] = block_id block_id = "mm_bid" self.block_id = data[block_id] data = data.set_index(unique_id) for index, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): neighbours = spatial_weights.neighbors[index].copy() if neighbours: neighbours.append(index) else: neighbours = row[unique_id] vicinity = data.loc[neighbours] if weighted is True: results_list.append( len(set(list(vicinity[block_id]))) / sum(vicinity.geometry.area) ) elif weighted is False: results_list.append(len(set(list(vicinity[block_id])))) else: raise ValueError("Attribute 'weighted' needs to be True or False.") self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class Reached: """ Calculates the number of objects reached within neighbours on street network Number of elements within neighbourhood defined in spatial_weights. If spatial_weights are None, it will assume topological distance 0 (element itself). If mode='area', returns sum of areas of reached elements. Requires unique_id of network assigned beforehand (e.g. using :py:func:`momepy.get_network_id`). .. math:: Parameters ---------- left : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing streets (either segments or nodes) right : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing elements to be counted left_id : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the left dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored ID of streets (segments or nodes). right_id : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (default None) the name of the right dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored ID of streets (segments or nodes). spatial_weights : libpysal.weights (default None) spatial weights matrix mode : str (default 'count') mode of calculation. If ``'count'`` function will return the count of reached elements. If ``'sum'``, it will return sum of ``'values'``. If ``'mean'`` it will return mean value of `'`values'``. If `'std'` it will return standard deviation of ``'values'``. If ``'values'`` not set it will use of areas of reached elements. values : str (default None) the name of the objects dataframe column with values used for calculations Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values left : GeoDataFrame original left GeoDataFrame right : GeoDataFrame original right GeoDataFrame left_id : Series Series containing used left ID right_id : Series Series containing used right ID mode : str mode of calculation sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix (if set) Examples -------- >>> streets_df['reached_buildings'] = mm.Reached(streets_df, buildings_df, 'uID').series """
[docs] def __init__( self, left, right, left_id, right_id, spatial_weights=None, mode="count", values=None, ): self.left = left self.right = right self.sw = spatial_weights self.mode = mode # define empty list for results results_list = [] if not isinstance(right_id, str): right = right.copy() right["mm_id"] = right_id right_id = "mm_id" self.right_id = right[right_id] if not isinstance(left_id, str): left = left.copy() left["mm_lid"] = left_id left_id = "mm_lid" self.left_id = left[left_id] if mode == "count": count = collections.Counter(right[right_id]) # iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(left.iterrows(), total=left.shape[0]): if spatial_weights is None: ids = [row[left_id]] else: neighbours = list(spatial_weights.neighbors[index]) neighbours.append(index) ids = left.iloc[neighbours][left_id] if mode == "count": counts = [] for nid in ids: counts.append(count[nid]) results_list.append(sum(counts)) elif mode == "sum": if values: results_list.append( sum(right.loc[right[right_id].isin(ids)][values]) ) else: results_list.append( sum(right.loc[right[right_id].isin(ids)].geometry.area) ) elif mode == "mean": if values: results_list.append( np.nanmean(right.loc[right[right_id].isin(ids)][values]) ) else: results_list.append( np.nanmean(right.loc[right[right_id].isin(ids)].geometry.area) ) elif mode == "std": if values: results_list.append( np.nanstd(right.loc[right[right_id].isin(ids)][values]) ) else: results_list.append( np.nanstd(right.loc[right[right_id].isin(ids)].geometry.area) ) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=left.index)
[docs]class NodeDensity: """ Calculate the density of nodes neighbours on street network defined in spatial_weights. Calculated as number of neighbouring nodes / cummulative length of street network withinn eighbours. node_start and node_end is standard output of :py:func:`momepy.nx_to_gdf` and is compulsory. .. math:: Parameters ---------- left : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing nodes of street network right : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing edges of street network spatial_weights : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix capturing relationship between nodes within set topological distance weighted : bool (default False) if True density will take into account node degree as k-1 node_degree : str (optional) name of the column of left gdf containing node degree. Used if weighted=True node_start : str (default 'node_start') name of the column of right gdf containing id of starting node node_end : str (default 'node_end') name of the column of right gdf containing id of ending node Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values left : GeoDataFrame original left GeoDataFrame right : GeoDataFrame original right GeoDataFrame node_start : Series Series containing used ids of starting node node_end : Series Series containing used ids of ending node sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix weighted : bool used weighted value node_degree : Series Series containing used node degree values References --------- Dibble J, Prelorendjos A, Romice O, et al. (2017) On the origin of spaces: Morphometric foundations of urban form evolution. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46(4): 707–730. Examples -------- >>> nodes['density'] = mm.NodeDensity(nodes, edges, sw).series """
[docs] def __init__( self, left, right, spatial_weights, weighted=False, node_degree=None, node_start="node_start", node_end="node_end", ): self.left = left self.right = right self.sw = spatial_weights self.weighted = weighted if weighted: self.node_degree = left[node_degree] self.node_start = right[node_start] self.node_end = right[node_end] # define empty list for results results_list = [] # iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(left.iterrows(), total=left.shape[0]): neighbours = list(spatial_weights.neighbors[index]) neighbours.append(index) if weighted: neighbour_nodes = left.iloc[neighbours] number_nodes = sum(neighbour_nodes[node_degree] - 1) else: number_nodes = len(neighbours) edg = right.loc[right["node_start"].isin(neighbours)].loc[ right["node_end"].isin(neighbours) ] length = sum(edg.geometry.length) if length > 0: results_list.append(number_nodes / length) else: results_list.append(0) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=left.index)
[docs]class Density: """ Calculate the gross density .. math:: \\frac{\\sum \\text {values}}{\\sum \\text {areas}} Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing objects to analyse values : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored character value. spatial_weights : libpysal.weight spatial weights matrix unique_id : str name of the column with unique id used as spatial_weights index areas : str, list, np.array, pd.Series (optional) the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored area value. If None, gdf.geometry.area will be used. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame values : Series Series containing used values sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix id : Series Series containing used unique ID areas : Series Series containing used area values References --------- Dibble J, Prelorendjos A, Romice O, et al. (2017) On the origin of spaces: Morphometric foundations of urban form evolution. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46(4): 707–730. Examples -------- >>> tessellation_df['floor_area_dens'] = mm.Density(tessellation_df, 'floor_area', sw, 'uID').series """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, values, spatial_weights, unique_id, areas=None): self.gdf = gdf self.sw = spatial_weights = gdf[unique_id] # define empty list for results results_list = [] data = gdf.copy() if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, str): data["mm_v"] = values values = "mm_v" self.values = data[values] if areas is not None: if not isinstance(areas, str): data["mm_a"] = areas areas = "mm_a" else: data["mm_a"] = data.geometry.area areas = "mm_a" self.areas = data[areas] data = data.set_index(unique_id) # iterating over rows one by one for index, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): neighbours = spatial_weights.neighbors[index].copy() if neighbours: neighbours.append(index) else: neighbours = index subset = data.loc[neighbours] values_list = subset[values] areas_list = subset[areas] results_list.append(sum(values_list) / sum(areas_list)) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)