Source code for momepy.diversity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# definitons of diversity characters

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from tqdm import tqdm  # progress bar

__all__ = ["Range", "Theil", "Simpson", "Gini"]

[docs]class Range: """ Calculates the range of values within neighbours defined in `spatial_weights`. Uses `scipy.stats.iqr` under the hood. .. math:: Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing morphological tessellation values : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored character value. spatial_weights : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix unique_id : str name of the column with unique id used as spatial_weights index rng : Two-element sequence containing floats in range of [0,100], optional Percentiles over which to compute the range. Each must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. The order of the elements is not important. **kwargs : keyword arguments optional arguments for `scipy.stats.iqr` Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame values : Series Series containing used values sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix id : Series Series containing used unique ID rng : tuple range kwargs : dict kwargs References ---------- Dibble J, Prelorendjos A, Romice O, et al. (2017) On the origin of spaces: Morphometric foundations of urban form evolution. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46(4): 707–730. Examples -------- >>> sw = momepy.sw_high(k=3, gdf=tessellation_df, ids='uID') >>> tessellation_df['area_IQR_3steps'] = mm.Range(tessellation_df, 'area', sw, 'uID', rng=(25, 75)).series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 722.50it/s] """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, values, spatial_weights, unique_id, rng=(0, 100), **kwargs): self.gdf = gdf self.sw = spatial_weights = gdf[unique_id] self.rng = rng self.kwargs = kwargs data = gdf.copy() if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, str): data["mm_v"] = values values = "mm_v" self.values = data[values] data = data.set_index(unique_id) results_list = [] for index, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): neighbours = spatial_weights.neighbors[index].copy() if neighbours: neighbours.append(index) else: neighbours = [index] values_list = data.loc[neighbours][values] results_list.append(sp.stats.iqr(values_list, rng=rng, **kwargs)) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class Theil: """ Calculates the Theil measure of inequality of values within neighbours defined in `spatial_weights`. Uses `inequality.theil.Theil` under the hood. Requires 'inequality' or 'pysal' package. .. math:: Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing morphological tessellation values : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored character value. spatial_weights : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix unique_id : str name of the column with unique id used as spatial_weights index rng : Two-element sequence containing floats in range of [0,100], optional Percentiles over which to compute the range. Each must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. The order of the elements is not important. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame values : Series Series containing used values sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix id : Series Series containing used unique ID rng : tuple, optional range Examples -------- >>> sw = momepy.sw_high(k=3, gdf=tessellation_df, ids='uID') >>> tessellation_df['area_Theil'] = mm.Theil(tessellation_df, 'area', sw, 'uID').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 597.37it/s] """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, values, spatial_weights, unique_id, rng=None): try: from inequality.theil import Theil except ImportError: try: from pysal.explore.inequality.theil import Theil except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'inequality' or 'pysal' package is required.") self.gdf = gdf self.sw = spatial_weights = gdf[unique_id] self.rng = rng data = gdf.copy() if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, str): data["mm_v"] = values values = "mm_v" self.values = data[values] data = data.set_index(unique_id) results_list = [] for index, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): neighbours = spatial_weights.neighbors[index].copy() if neighbours: neighbours.append(index) else: neighbours = [index] values_list = data.loc[neighbours][values] if rng: from momepy import limit_range values_list = limit_range(values_list, rng=rng) results_list.append(Theil(values_list).T) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
[docs]class Simpson: """ Calculates the Simpson\'s diversity index of values within neighbours defined in `spatial_weights`. Uses `mapclassify.classifiers` under the hood for binning. Requires `mapclassify>=.2.1.0` dependency or `pysal`. .. math:: Parameters ---------- objects : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing morphological tessellation values : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored character value. spatial_weights : libpysal.weights, optional spatial weights matrix - If None, Queen contiguity matrix of set order will be calculated based on objects. order : int order of Queen contiguity binning : str One of mapclassify classification schemes Options are BoxPlot, EqualInterval, FisherJenks, FisherJenksSampled, HeadTailBreaks, JenksCaspall, JenksCaspallForced, JenksCaspallSampled, MaxPClassifier, MaximumBreaks, NaturalBreaks, Quantiles, Percentiles, StdMean, UserDefined **classification_kwds : dict Keyword arguments for classification scheme For details see mapclassify documentation: Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame values : Series Series containing used values sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix id : Series Series containing used unique ID binning : str binning method bins : mapclassify.classifiers.Classifier generated bins classification_kwds : dict classification_kwds References ---------- Feliciotti A (2018) RESILIENCE AND URBAN DESIGN:A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF RESILIENCE IN URBAN FORM. LEARNING FROM THE CASE OF GORBALS. Glasgow. Examples -------- >>> sw = momepy.sw_high(k=3, gdf=tessellation_df, ids='uID') >>> tessellation_df['area_Simpson'] = mm.Simpson(tessellation_df, 'area', sw, 'uID').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 455.83it/s] """
[docs] def __init__( self, gdf, values, spatial_weights, unique_id, binning="HeadTailBreaks", **classification_kwds ): try: import mapclassify.classifiers as classifiers except ImportError: try: import pysal.viz.mapclassify.classifiers as classifiers except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'mapclassify' or 'pysal' package is required") schemes = {} for classifier in classifiers.CLASSIFIERS: schemes[classifier.lower()] = getattr(classifiers, classifier) binning = binning.lower() if binning not in schemes: raise ValueError( "Invalid binning. Binning must be in the" " set: %r" % schemes.keys() ) self.gdf = gdf self.sw = spatial_weights = gdf[unique_id] self.binning = binning self.classification_kwds = classification_kwds data = gdf.copy() if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, str): data["mm_v"] = values values = "mm_v" self.values = data[values] self.bins = schemes[binning](data[values], **classification_kwds).bins data = data.set_index(unique_id) results_list = [] for index, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): neighbours = spatial_weights.neighbors[index].copy() if neighbours: neighbours.append(index) else: neighbours = [index] values_list = data.loc[neighbours][values] sample_bins = classifiers.UserDefined(values_list, self.bins) counts = dict(zip(self.bins, sample_bins.counts)) results_list.append(self._simpson_di(counts)) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)
def _simpson_di(self, data): """ Given a hash { 'species': count } , returns the Simpson Diversity Index >>> simpson_di({'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30,}) 0.3888888888888889 """ def p(n, N): """ Relative abundance """ if n == 0: return 0 return float(n) / N N = sum(data.values()) return sum(p(n, N) ** 2 for n in data.values() if n != 0)
[docs]class Gini: """ Calculates the Gini index of values within neighbours defined in `spatial_weights`. Uses `inequality.gini.Gini` under the hood. Requires 'inequality' or 'pysal' package. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing morphological tessellation values : str, list, np.array, pd.Series the name of the dataframe column, np.array, or pd.Series where is stored character value. spatial_weights : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix unique_id : str name of the column with unique id used as spatial_weights index rng : Two-element sequence containing floats in range of [0,100], optional Percentiles over which to compute the range. Each must be between 0 and 100, inclusive. The order of the elements is not important. Attributes ---------- series : Series Series containing resulting values gdf : GeoDataFrame original GeoDataFrame values : Series Series containing used values sw : libpysal.weights spatial weights matrix id : Series Series containing used unique ID rng : tuple range Examples -------- >>> sw = momepy.sw_high(k=3, gdf=tessellation_df, ids='uID') >>> tessellation_df['area_Gini'] = mm.Gini(tessellation_df, 'area', sw, 'uID').series 100%|██████████| 144/144 [00:00<00:00, 597.37it/s] """
[docs] def __init__(self, gdf, values, spatial_weights, unique_id, rng=None): try: from inequality.gini import Gini except ImportError: try: from pysal.explore.inequality.gini import Gini except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'inequality' or 'pysal' package is required.") self.gdf = gdf self.sw = spatial_weights = gdf[unique_id] self.rng = rng data = gdf.copy() if values is not None: if not isinstance(values, str): data["mm_v"] = values values = "mm_v" self.values = data[values] if self.values.min() < 0: raise ValueError( "Values contain negative numbers. Normalise data before" "using momepy.Gini." ) data = data.set_index(unique_id) results_list = [] for index, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): neighbours = spatial_weights.neighbors[index].copy() if neighbours: neighbours.append(index) values_list = data.loc[neighbours][values].values if rng: from momepy import limit_range values_list = np.array(limit_range(values_list, rng=rng)) results_list.append(Gini(values_list).g) else: results_list.append(0) self.series = pd.Series(results_list, index=gdf.index)